Hey everyone~!

I decided to share with you my productive day!! I didn't feel like this really belonged in the other blog I have set up so I decided I would create a seperate blog that is more just "life" in general. I will probably try to update this once or twice a week, or if something fun and interesting happens perhaps more often! We'll have to see! Anyway...on with the entry!!

It's a Monday, the most dreaded day of the week - the beginning of the work week for some, others have school bright and early but no matter what your responsibilities Monday means the end of the weekend!! Everyone hates Mondays!! So waking up this morning I was shocked to be waking up feeling better than I had all weekend!! I was chipper, and feeling ready to get things done!! 

Not one to waste a good mood like this, (as I am rarely feeling like being productive) I decided to get the ball rolling by finishing my final essay for the year! Done and dusted! Such a great feeling knowing that I don't have to go back to campus for another 3 months!! I can't believe I get all of summer off! It's such a huge adjustment, but one I am willing to adjust to! Thinking of picking up an old hobby during break and maybe researching some extracurricular courses to do outside of my current courses. 

Following this up-and-go kind of day I decided to clean all of my make-up brushes and finally put them back in their little wrap-case home. While those were drying I decided to get a head-start on the clean-out that is happening later this month for my street and started cleaning out and organising the mess that is my room!! I managed to organise and store all of my art supplies in one neat box and all of my make-up and hair products (curling iron and rollers) in another. I also found a way to store my nail polish upright!! It's not a permanent solution, but I feel like moving them out of the bag I had them thrown in is just a great step forward! My nail polish collection is currently sitting in a cake tin inside of a cake carrier under my bed. Once the full clean-out of my room is done I plan to find a better solution for this, if you have any ideas please comment below!!

Of course, this up-and-go version of myself wore out eventually and by about 4pm I was exhausted and my room looks worse than it did before!! Things have become more organised in one section, but at the expense of the entire room!! Oh dear. So, tomorrow's mission is definitely to just do a clean up and I will continue different stages of the clean-up as the weeks progress!! 

ON AN UNPRODUCTIVE NOTE: I sat down to watch a movie with dinner tonight and I decided to watch Disney's Brave! I had heard great things about the animation in this film and as a lover of art I decided to watch it, not expecting much other than great animation. I have to say, this film surprised me! I felt it had not only great animation and design, but an enjoyable storyline and characters. It did have a sort of silly and childlike story line, but it is a more family and children's film after all, and the moralistic tale and the subtext of the film was just beautiful: a story about fate and our paths in life. I really enjoyed this film, it had these great moments where I found myself laughing out loud and other's were I was welling up with tears. There were  A LOT of cutesy moments, and the baby bears (you'll know what I'm talking about if you've seen it) are to die for! So friggin cute!! Must say, I do reccommend this highly!!

Well that is all for this entry ladies and gentlemen! 

Hope you enjoyed reading, and if there's anything else you would like to see in this, my other blog or my website in general feel free to leave a comment or contact me. 

Have a great week!!

~eighteen2012-diva <3