
I just felt like writing, so this blog entry is going to be a recap of my day and some random thoughts...I tend to write my thoughts BEFORE I process them. 

So, right now I am sitting here catching up on Bones (love this show) and eating these candy candes my mum bought me. I asked for candy canes, and maybe I'm just REALLY finicky with my candy canes but these candy canes are just...not that great. They are the "Dominion Naturals Candy Canes : Peppermint Flavoured" and they are just...honestly, it's like eating solid toothpaste. The worst part...I'm still eating them!! It doesn't taste good, but I love the texture for some reason and the after sensation is just like having brushed your teeth. That's weird isn't it? Is anyone else out there really specific with the types of candy canes you like? Let me know!!

So, my day: shopping! It was payday yesterday...so of course I go out and spend all my money. I am not a very good saver! I'm supposed to be saving my money for furniture for my new room and yet I go out and buy a whole bunch of stuff that I probably don't need...but I wanted it, haha. Oh well, with Christmas coming up I am starting to spend my money on OTHERS instead of being the diva I am and buying all these pretty shiny new things. Oh! Also, I don't want you to get the wrong idea, it's not like I'm buying expensive things!! I don't own anything couture or high-end...and I shop sales! I will be posting a haul on my other blog from this trip...will probably combine it with my haul from BooHoo. 

Also, for some reason on this trip I was just constantly stopped by people who wanted to sign me up for things, or sell me something...am I the only one who just cowers when people do that? Like, even people in stores, the employees who come up to you and try to assist you...I just feel cornered when those people come up...I just want to have free reign and be able to look at what I want in my own time!! Is anyone else like that, or am I just crazy? 

Ok, well I feel like I have gone on and bored you all enough...but I mean isn't that what a personal blog is? I feel like a blog should be the expression of a person thoughts...so here, at least on this side of my blog, that's what you're going to get: pure, unfiltered thoughts. 

Hope you weren't too bored!! I'll be back after the weekend to tell you about my weekend and I hope someone out there will share their weekend back!!

Until then, 

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