Hey all~!

I just feel that I should start this post with a disclaimer of sorts, just because I am aware that on this blog you will see a lot of hauls. I don't do these posts to just show off the things I spend my money on, I do these posts as someone who loves to read other people's hauls. I write these for those girls out there who, like me, enjoy seeing what other people are buying at the moment and who like to see what sales are going on and what new stores have nice items out. For those of you who might be offended by posts like these, stop reading now because I really don't want to offend anyone - but for those of you who want to see the haul, read on!!

So Wednesday was pay day, so of course the rational thing to do is spend all that money as soon as possible - not really, of course (but sometimes it seems like that my logic). Anyway!! I went shopping to buy my boyfriend one of his birthday gifts (which I did get) AND search out some accessories for my third attempt to enjoy a night out. Of course, I ended up with a few bits and pieces that may have been off the map for this trip...but what can I say...I am addicted to shopping! It's a girl thing. :/ 

I will break this one down by stores and let you know what I got, show you some items through pictures and tell you about the store at the end of each section. Read on to see the haul!!

Cotton on

The first shop I stopped in to was COTTON ON!! I love this store, they have great clothes at great prices - there are constant sales too. 

The first thing I picked out, which is what I walked in to actually try on, was a pair of 3/4 sweat pants...which sounds really boring! See, I recently cleaned out my closet and I realised that I don't actually own any pants that aren't JEANS - I mean what is that?! So I am now the proud owner of some sweat pants...which I don't have a picture of, but I'm sure you know what sweat pants look like. 

The second thing I bought from this store is something that you guys have seen before!! I got the Jenny dress in peach - which I showed in black in a previous haul. I've been really trying to bring more casual clothes into my life, people have always commented on how dressy I always look - which in general is what I feel more comfortable in, but I'm really trying to expand my tastes and find clothes that I feel comfortable in that aren't too crazy fanciful. This dress is so comfortable and flattering, it's something that you can just throw on and walk out of the house in and its VERY casual. I love it!

The only thing with this particular dress is that this was the last one in the store in this peachy colour and it was actually a size too big. I purchased it anyway...just because if I wear a belt over it you don't really notice that it's too big, it just looks like it's made to be looser...if that makes sense. This isn't the first time I've bought something that's too big, if it's the last one there and I love it...I don't walk away from it if I can find a way to make it work. :) I've been wearing this dress for the past two days, on and off, with a black belt and I just love it.
My thoughts on this store: so, as you could probably tell from the above WALL OF TEXT (haha), I really have a high opinion of this store. I feel like this store has a great style about it, there is a HUGE range of items that you can get - Cotton On is linked with Cotton On Body, Rubi Shoes and Typo and these are all represented in the particular store I shop at. You can get clothing (in a decent size range - which is always a plus); sleepwear, loungewear and underwear; shoes and other little random accessories.

Also, as a lover of sales I am passing this information on to anyone who doesn't know, but Cotton On is having an online only sale - everything is 30% off until tomorrow (Monday 26th) night! So check that out if you are interested, I'm considering buying some more sweat pants now that they are even cheaper online. 

Love Couture

The next store that I came across was Love Couture. Love Couture is a jewelery, bag and wallet store that has recently opened up near me, they are relatively cheap and tend to have a lot of sales - or at least they seem to. I decided to go in because I felt like I could get some jewelery to wear out clubbing, but as soon as I got to the front of the store I saw this table display with a whole bunch of wallets - specifically, I was attracted to the leopard print wallets! For those of you who have read my BooHoo haul, I was planning on wearing the leopard print dress from that haul so a leopard print wallet felt like a must-have!! 

I picked up two wallets, one zippered one and a hard-shell pop open one...I don't know what they are actually called, but you can probably see what I mean from the pictures so let me know if you know the name of those wallets. These were both RRP $15, marked down to $6 each...so I got 2 for LESS THAN the price of one - I mean, who can even pass up a sale like that? I think they are really cute, and I used the second one when I went out on Saturday night so you will see that in my Clubbing OOTN/Experience post which will be up sometime after this one...it's actually already happened but I just haven't written about it yet, so yeah, keep your eye out for that. 
Exterior of wallet 1 - isn't it pretty? It like throws the light a bit...so nice.
Interior of wallet 1 - nice and simple.
Exterior of wallet 2 - just matte this one.
Interior of wallet 2 - just what you'd expect really.
I had a bit of a browse in the store, of course, and ended up spotting this row of on sale earrings. I picked up two pairs and one pair was $3 and the other was $4...I'm not sure what prices they started at, but I mean that's just really cheap for what I've seen. 

I honestly don't even know where I'd even wear the coral/turquoise ones, I don't have ANYTHING that would match those, but I feel like they could really be a statement piece on their own and for the price I really couldn't pass them up. 
My thoughts on the store itself: I really love this store, I don't always find jewelery pieces that I love from here, but I feel like the shopping complex I go to has so many other places that have jewelery (Colette, Diva, Equip, Lovisa) that it's not really an issue for me - particularly because this store has some AMAZING bags and wallets. I own a bag from here and it's like my go to big purse, like I have two purses that I use on a daily basis and that's one of them. So, I tend to find myself drawn to this store for those items, especially when the quality is just so great for the prices. 


I hit up Target, which I visit on every shopping trip and I tried on a bunch of clothes - I think I tried on 3 different peplum tops (loving this trend) and a few random pieces. I have been searching everywhere for the perfect peplum top for me, and I thought I had found it at Target during this trip...but once I put it on it just didn't sit quite right and the other one would've been THE ONE if it wasn't striped...like the lines just made me look like a balloon - just no. 
Anyway!! I did buy a belt from here, intending to pair it with my leopard dress for the night as well (doesn't end up matching so well, but still pretty). I picked this up thinking it was $17 - I know that's kind of pricey for just a belt, you're screaming at the screen saying DON'T DO IT - I decided it was worth the price just because I had been looking for a gold belt for a while BUT when I walked up to the counter to pay for it the register brought it up at $5.50!! I mean, surprise sale!! Loving it!! So this belt was DEFINITELY worth the price. 

Okay, so this is sooo not beauty or fashion related, but I am putting it here as an announcement of sorts for you out there!! This here, in the photo, is amazing!! It is called poppycock...yeah, not the best choice of name, but the green one is caramel popcorn with cashews and it is amazing. I thought that they had stopped making it, but it's still at Target, and ONLY Target as far as I know. 

Go out, and get you some of that. It's amazing. 

Thoughts on the store: I feel like I always thought target was a cheap place to shop...but then I only really buy things from them when I am with my mother and she has free gift cards to spend...so I'm starting to get the idea that it's not as cheap as I thought. I do love the quality of the clothes from there and I mean when things are on sale, which is pretty often honestly, I do shop there and love what I get and the prices they are at. 


I walked into Colette, knowing what I wanted - I mean I browsed the whole store, but I knew what I definitely wanted to get. I had been looking on their online store for a week and half now, absolutely drooling over these knot detail clutch bags and a pair of earrings. I wanted to check out the clutch bag, make sure I liked the size and design in person (which I did) and decided it would be perfect for my night out. 
The clutch has a detachable  strap, which is a great plus for me personally, but the length isn't great for over the shoulder, but I'm not much of a dancer when I go out so that wasn't a deal breaker for me. The earrings, as you can see, say amour (love) which is so perfect because I am in love with them. I have been wearing them for the past two days, they will probably be my daily earrings for a while. 

My view on this store: just love. I have a members card, the store is so shiny and everything is sold at a reasonable price, in my opinion. I love that they have bags and clutches as well as jewelery and their customer service has always been great - so yes, just love. 


I mentioned above that I spent this trip searching out the perfect peplum top. A lot of stores have them, it's something that is just trending right now so it can be found in a lot of places, but a lot of those stores have ones that are made of really thin fabric...which for me, personally, doesn't work for me. So, imagine my surprise when I walk into Temt (a very great store for cheap clothes) and see 4 different peplum tops, in thicker material, all under $10. Of course, all of these weren't perfect for me, but one was just so great that I bought it on the spot. I also bought a long cardigan...it was too hard to photograph but it was only $5 - just a plain black long cardigan. 
So, this didn't photograph too well, but its a plain black peplum top with a cut out in the front (you can see the pink tag through the cut out). The peplum goes all the way around the top and it has little cap sleeves. This looks so nice with a black skirt - looks like a little dress when paired with a black skirt and looks just as good with pants.

View on store: this store is ALWAYS on sale. Every time I walk past this store it has massive signs "nothing over $10" - I think it's just something they always have. The store doesn't always have things that appeal to me, but I know if they do they will have sizes that fit me - always a plus.  

Wrap up

So that's all for this haul, I know it was a really big one, but I feel like I got some really good deals. I think I covered everything I bought (other than my boyfriends gift which you don't really need to see - just a wallet). Oh! Which reminds me: another SALE ALERT - Strandbags is having a sale at the moment and all wallets and purses (male and female wallets) are 25% off...I'm not sure for how long but this is online and in-store so make sure to check it out before it ends!!

I have a few posts that are sitting in drafts, so expect to see these VERY soon:
-BrandsExclusive Haul
-Beauty Joint Haul
AND I am starting these posts tonight/tomorrow so expect to see these shortly after:
-Clubbing: OOTN/Experience/Shoe Review (Long post)
-OPI: Gouda Gouda Two Shoes Review (Short post)

That's all for today though so until next time,

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