Beauty Joint

Hey all~!

I heard about Beauty Joint from a YouTube guru who lives in Australia and decided to give it a try. I got some Jordana products, some Nyx and a Seche Vite top coat. Below are some images of what I got and some descriptions and initial thoughts.

As for the site though, they have good cheap make-up (for example the lip gloss I got was 1.99 I think) however, I don't know if I will be purchasing too much from the site purely because I don't always need to buy a lot of make-up and unless there is a lot I want from that site than with shipping it isn't worth it. 

Read on to see what I got!



Hey all~!

So this is the first time I have ever bought something from BrandsExclusive!! For those that don't know, BrandsExclusive is a shopping site that has sales everyday on different items, from fashion to make-up to jewellery etc. Basically you subscribe and they send you alerts when different sales are starting and you can either be a free member or if you pay you get to access the sales a day or two early I believe. I am a free member and I just made my first purchase!! 

Read on to see what I got!!

Hey all~!

I just feel that I should start this post with a disclaimer of sorts, just because I am aware that on this blog you will see a lot of hauls. I don't do these posts to just show off the things I spend my money on, I do these posts as someone who loves to read other people's hauls. I write these for those girls out there who, like me, enjoy seeing what other people are buying at the moment and who like to see what sales are going on and what new stores have nice items out. For those of you who might be offended by posts like these, stop reading now because I really don't want to offend anyone - but for those of you who want to see the haul, read on!!

So Wednesday was pay day, so of course the rational thing to do is spend all that money as soon as possible - not really, of course (but sometimes it seems like that my logic). Anyway!! I went shopping to buy my boyfriend one of his birthday gifts (which I did get) AND search out some accessories for my third attempt to enjoy a night out. Of course, I ended up with a few bits and pieces that may have been off the map for this trip...but what can I say...I am addicted to shopping! It's a girl thing. :/ 

I will break this one down by stores and let you know what I got, show you some items through pictures and tell you about the store at the end of each section. Read on to see the haul!!

Hey all~!

So I know that in my last post I promised a few entries to come and none of those have really appeared yet...SO in order to get my butt into gear I have decided to get the BooHoo post up today and I'm hoping to get some of the nail polish reviews up in the next two weeks, but hauls will be coming up in the next few days so keep your eye out for them.


This is actually my second purchase from Boohoo. I have bought one top from there before and it's gorgeous. If you want to see that one later, just leave a comment and I'll post it if people are interested. 

For those who don't know, BooHoo is an online UK fashion store that sells clothes, shoes, accessories etc. They have free shipping to Australia and are constantly having sales. In general, the clothes can be quite cheap but there are some that are more expensive, but if you look for sales you will have a great experience and you're wallet won't hate you. :)

Read on to see what I bought and my thoughts on the items and the shopping experience.


It's here! The Lust Have It! November box. 

For those who don't know, LustHaveIt! is an Australian subscription service. The concept is that you pay $15 a month and each month you are sent 5+ beauty and make-up samples to try and review. There is usually a full-sized product thrown in there and each month a new surprise box of items is delivered to your door. 

Below is what was in my November box. 



Hey all, I'm back~! 

So, this is the "purchase" half of this SHOE blog entry!!

If you read my last shopping haul post then you know that I was lusting over some shoes that I saw and didn't buy...and well, I am lusting no more! I bought them!! So this post is just a little, sort of tiny haul - very tiny.